Received Febrary 09, 2024/ Approved March 12, 2024 Pages: 47-62
eISSN: 2600-5743
Centro Sur Vol. 8 No. 1 – April – June
conscious end, the work itself is a conscious end and is carried out to
achieve this end (Decroly, 2002).
The concept of playfulness associated with art, should be understood
as an enthronement in the sensitivity of being, it is the attitude with
which the different moments of existence are faced and the
relationship that occurs when interacting with others, (Jiménez Vélez,
2002) confirming the social nature of the human being; therefore the
playful arts, in their expression emanate emotions, creativity, passion
and sensitivity (Gómez, 2005).
Sport is considered a physical discipline, fundamental in the
educational processes, since thanks to it there is more communication,
union, between people, in addition to developing skills such as agility
that allow a better performance of the activities (Gómez, 2005).
Regarding the subject of playfulness in singing, it implies an aptitude
and an attitude, as it becomes a harmonized fact between the rational
of speech and the playful expression of singing, through which the
moods can be channeled, it favors socialization by tightening the
bonds of communication (Galvis & Zapata, 2000). Music is a language
that allows people to achieve the development of artistic skills, of their
language and to express their feelings to others (Valencia A. 2000), in
a multilateral (sometimes tacit) language.
In the use of free time, the human being in his free time seeks to do
what he likes and enjoys the most, taking advantage of those spaces of
time in which he does not have occupations to make time a useful
space (Goethe, 1749) and is framed in the concept of recreation,
conceived as that set of practices of a social nature, carried out
collectively or individually in leisure time, framed in a specific time
and space, which provide a transitory enjoyment, based on the social
value given and recognized to some of its components (Gerlero, 2005).
Values are criteria, principles, virtues that represent and identify an
individual within a social guild, this helps to highlight the qualities in
each being strengthening their beliefs, determine their behaviors and
express their interests and feelings, precepts that characterize a
person, they are the foundation of the ethical functions which are
related to the actions and their moral value. In the Educational
Institution "San Rafael", values have been enthroned, however, it is
conceived that everything is susceptible to be improved, especially in
such a sensitive subject for the human being and for society, hence the